Notice on Finalization of Details of Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights)
Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. decided the subscription requirements of Stock Acquisition Rights, in the form of stock options, to be allotted to the Company's directors (except external directors), executive directors, executive officers, and, riji on 14 September 2009, and the details of issuance of the Stock Acquisition Rights were finalized today as follows:
1. Allotment date of Stock Acquisition Rights
30 September 2009
2. Number of Stock Acquisition Rights to be issued
796 (Number of shares to be issued or transferred upon exercise of a Stock Acquisition Right: 1,000)
3. Amount to be paid in upon Allotment of Stock Acquisition Rights
255,120 yen per Stock Acquisition Right (255.12 yen per share)
The amount to be paid in, however, shall be offset against the corresponding compensation obligation of the Company to the directors, etc. The amount above was figured out in accordance with the Black-Scholes model based on the closing stock price of the Allotment Date.
4. Amount to be paid with the exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights
1 yen per share
5. Allottees of Stock Acquisition Rights and the number of rights to be granted
Allottees (Number of Allottees)
Number of Stock Acquisition Rights per Person
Total Number of Stock Acquisition Rights to be Granted
Directors and Executive Directors of the Company (excluding external Directors) (4)
between 43 and 106
Executive Officers of the Company (10)
between 26 and 43
Riji of the Company (7)
Total (21)