Human Resources
Number of employee by gender
Data collection at the end of December in each year
Number of employee by region and gender
Data collection at the end of December in each year
Number of employee by gender and employment contract
Data collection at the end of December in each year
Number of employee by region and employment contract
Data collection at the end of December in each year
Number of new permanent employees
Data collection at the end of December in each year
Percentage of new permanent employees
Percentage of new graduates and mid-career hires among full-time employees.
Data collection from April to March in each year
Retention rate of new graduates recruitment
Employment rate of permanent employees with disabilities
Data collection at the end of March in each year
Turnover of permanent employees
Data collection at the end of March in each year
Percentage of senior management from the local community
Data collection at the end of March in each year
Percentage of female in managerial positions
Data collection at the end of December in each year
Percentage of female within the organization's board
Data collection at the end of March in each year
Union Organization Rate
Data collection from April to March in each year
Parental leave of permanent employees
Data collection from April to March in each year
Work-life balance index of permanent employees
Data collection from April to March in each year
[Notes] 1) "NSG" in the tables means Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd.
[Notes] 2) "FTE" in the tables means Full-Time Equivalent.