Enhance Operational Excellence

Our global Manufacturing Excellence focus drives improvement in our operations and the products and services we supply, guided by identification of the risks within our internal and external environment. ME360 is the NSG standard program to improve operations towards excellence. Sites complete a regular self-assessment against the ME360 criteria and develop a Manufacturing Excellence Improvement Plan (MEIP) based on their needs.

ME360 self-assessment tool for operational excellence

In order to support sites and individuals in their journey to Manufacturing Excellence, a wide range of in person manufacturing training is provided at Group level and supported by regional training schemes and a program of virtual webinar sessions.

In 2024 more than 300 individuals from Manufacturing attended in person training and are now tasked with implementing their knowledge and sharing learning in their local operations.

The company Black Belt program has also been enriched to include additional material on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning which will support collaboration on digitalization projects across a range of functions and locations.

Program of Global Training Sessions 2024

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