Notice on Finalization of Details of Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options (Stock Subscription Rights)
Terms and conditions of stock subscription rights, in the form of stock options, to be allotted to the Company's directors, executive officers, and officers, were resolved at the Board of Directors meeting held on August 30, 2007, and the details of issuance of the stock subscription rights were finalized today as follows.
1. Allotment Date of Stock Subscription Rights
September 28, 2007
2. Number of Stock Subscription Rights to be Issued : 281
( Number of shares to be issued or transferred upon exercise of a stock subscription right : 1,000 )
3. Amount to be Paid In upon Allotment of Stock Subscription Rights
666,310 yen per stock subscription right (666.31 yen per share).
The amount to be paid in, however, shall be offset against the corresponding compensation obligation of the Company to the directors, etc.
The above amount shall be calculated based on the closing price of the Company's common stock shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on the allotment day, using the Black-Scholes formula.
4. Amount to be Paid In upon Exercise of Stock Subscription Rights
1 yen per share
5. Allottees of Stock Subscription Rights and Number of Rights to be Allotted
Allottees (Number of Allottees)
Number of Stock Subscription Rights per Person
Total Number of Stock Subscription Rights Allotted
Directors of the Company (excluding non-Executive Directors) (7)
between 12 and 27
Executive Officers of the Company (excluding Those Also Serving as Director) (6)
between 9 and 12
Officers of the Company (10)
Total (23)
- Date of the Board of Directors resolution for proposal to Stockholders' General Meeting : May 31, 2007
- Date of the Ordinary Stockholders' General Meeting resolution : June 28, 2007
- Date of the Board of Directors resolution for the determination of the terms and conditions: August 30, 2007