Global Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) is a key issue for many companies, being widely recognized as enhancing both corporate value and the working lives of employees. NSG Group is firmly committed to further improve its own I&D, embracing the internally and externally declared Statement of Intent and one of our Core Values, "Respect Others and Unleash their Potential".
Statement of Intent
Having an Inclusive Culture and Environment:
We give everyone an equal opportunity to contribute to their full potential and harness the richness of ideas.
Having a Diverse Workforce:
Any differences in individuals' backgrounds, experiences, preferences and beliefs are recognized, respected and valued for their variety of perspectives.
1) Our effort
The NSG Group established a Global I&D Steering Committee with the aim of enhancing inclusion and diversity across the entire group. The Committee comprises 20 members, covering all business units, functions, and regions. It works with individual businesses to identify and implement local, regional, and global initiatives, identifying areas for improvement and measuring progress. One central focus is to move I&D beyond the Human Resources department and establish it within all thinking.
2) Taking action
In line with the annual Group and Regional I&D Action Plans, each country or site is implementing their own actions. One of the annual implementations at site level is to celebrate International Women's Day through various local events.
Another strategic implementation at Group level is the provision of Unconscious Bias Training to all managers across the Group. Unconscious bias occurs as our brains filter information, categorizing people and situations, in order to make quick decisions. Everyone has unconscious bias that is a result of their own cultural environment and accumulated life experiences. Unconscious bias is far more prevalent than conscious prejudice and is often incompatible with our conscious values. All managers across the NSG Group undertake online training to learn what unconscious bias is, how to recognize it in themselves and in others, and how to mitigate the potential impacts.
Examples of diversity days which were celebrated and recognized were days such as International Women's Day and International Day of People with Disabilities. Inclusion and Diversity objectives have also been set for our Senior Leaders and various countries have also set up their own Inclusion and Diversity country committees.
3) Promotion of Female Career Advancement
NSG Group supports our female career development through Inclusion and Diversity programs. We were certified as Platinum Kurumin Certification by Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2019 as we achieved high standards of the targets for our employees to satisfy both their career and childcare.
Examples of improvements include: greater visibility for females in succession planning discussions, identifying and confirming the positions to which female managers can be positioned, and encouraging more paternity leave. Online workshops have been regularly held for female managers to improve their networking and career planning opportunities, which in turn have helped with career motivation for participants.
We also introduced an exchange program with Sumitomo Group female members. During an online career seminar in 2021, attended by several companies in the Sumitomo Group, participants explored opportunities to discuss their own leadership style and consider future career options. Their experiences were shared within the Company and contributed to our female career advancement.
The group is promoting the appointment of female managers to achieve our Medium Term Plan - RP24 goal "Corporate Culture Reform".
● Female managers in NSG Group
- 14.2% as of 2022 June 30
- FY24 target: female manager increase at least 1% in each SBU and Function
4) Promotion of Foreign and Mid-career Employees
We operate as an integrated international Group, with a multinational management team. We believe that our diverse workforce with its range of nationalities, skills, qualifications and experience is a substantial benefit to our business. Our management style is to put the best person in each job, regardless of nationality or region. Our overseas subsidiaries are managed by local Leadership teams.
● Foreign Senior Managers in the Group
- 2021 March 31 : 82.5%
- 2022 March 31 : 78.2%
NSG Group has diverse workforce with its range of skills, qualifications, and experience in the world. We are promoting the mid-career employment in Japan to satisfy the skills and careers required by our businesses and functions.
● New Employment in Nippon Sheet Glass
- FY21 : 26 new graduates and 8 mid careers
- FY22 : 11 new graduates and 26 mid careers